
Young People Report

In 2019 the Torbay Safeguarding Children Board ‘wholeheartedly accepted’ the ‘valuable insight’ offered by our survey report of young people’s experiences of life in the bay.

In January 2018, the Board commissioned us to explore the experiences of children and young people (0-25) living here, believing that it’s vital to ensure that all our children and young people live safe and healthy lives. The idea was to find out what young people really feel about life here, what they love, what they don’t, and how they think things could be better for them.

Between April and September 2018, we gathered responses from just over 1900 young people, meeting them across Torbay at outdoor events, visiting both primary and secondary schools, and through voluntary and community groups working with young people. Their views were gathered though a widespread survey but also in creative ways and through social media.

The findings acknowledge the importance of friends, having more things to do and safety concerns, but also identifies some further areas of interest including:

  • the importance of the environment and local setting to young people;
  • a desire for more targeted, and affordable activities that can be used in all weathers;
  • and a desire for enhanced police presence to address an increasing gang culture amongst young people.

There was also a concern that the desires and experiences of older people and tourists took precedence over those of younger people and an emphasis on the importance of listening, responding, and addressing the issues raised in a transparent, collaborative, and non-tokenistic way.

Every school in Torbay have received a copy of the report for them to share with pupils and staff. It has also been shared with the Devon & Cornwall Police, Torbay Cultural Board, the Torbay Joint Strategic needs Assessment (JSNA) and will also be presented to the elected members of Torbay Council.

As a result of our work, the Torbay Safeguarding Children Board escalated the report to the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership Board, they have adopted the recommendations so they will be actioned by partnership agencies across Torbay. This will include establishing a new Young Safeguarding Board later this year.

To read the full Young People’s report, please click here.

On behalf of the Torbay Safeguarding Children Board I would personally like to extend my grateful thanks for the work undertook in providing this valuable insight into the thoughts of children and young across Torbay.  In particular I would like to extend my thanks to all of the children and young people who took part in producing and responding to the survey.

Ian Ansell,
Independent Chair,
Torbay Safeguarding
