Paignton Community Hub is there to help

The community hub at Paignton library helps Torbay residents looking for information on where to access local support to have their queries answered face-to-face.

Residents living in Torbay seeking information about local services can visit the Community Hub, located on the ground floor of Paignton Library, next to both Paignton’s train and bus stations on Great Western Road.

The Community Hub was launched by local non-profit community organisation Engaging Communities South West.

They are working with key partners from the Torbay Health and Wellbeing Voluntary Sector Network, including the Torbay Community Helpline, run by Torbay Community Development Trust, Age UK, healthcare consumer champion Healthwatch Torbay, and many others. The service has been funded by a contribution from Torbay Council’s Adult Social Care precept.

Jack Watts (right), Engaging Communities South West Administrator, manning the new Community Hub at Paignton Library and speaking with a member of the public
Jack Watts (right), Engaging Communities South West Administrator, manning the Community Hub at Paignton Library and speaking with a member of the public

The hub is open every weekday from 9.30am – 1.30pm, and have new partners delivering regular drop in services, including from Eat That Frog, Carers Support, Torbay Advice Network, and Tidy Home, Tidy Mind.

Local healthcare services are also available on request, with a weekly Diabetic Eye Screening clinic taking place, alongside a pilot with Corner Place Surgery and Public Health Torbay to provide blood pressure checks and a presence from the Torbay Healthy Lifestyles Team, who provide a range of free services and support to help people to make and maintain positive changes in their lives. There is also interest from local care companies in using the hub as a drop in space for domiciliary carers to reduce isolation.

In addition, South Devon College health and social care students are running a digital support session every Monday and Friday, and their Art Department will soon be filling the walls with student artwork.

Hundreds of members of the local community have already visited the Hub to use these services and speak to someone about queries relating to:

  • Health and social care
  • Caring for family and friends
  • Access to local groups and activities
  • Practical and IT support
  • Finance and welfare benefits
  • Emotional wellbeing including bereavement and isolation
  • Domestic abuse and sexual violence
  • Other areas already supported via the Torbay Community Helpline (e.g. befriending)

Any member of the public needing help and information is signposted to the most appropriate organisation that can help meet their needs. The Community Hub is also able to offer these organisations interview space to meet any clients face to face.

If you are an organisation who would like to book an interview room to meet with a client or share any local community information via the Hub community noticeboards, or would just like more information about the hub, please email or call 07562 780 102.
