‘Digital Day’ to be held at Paignton Library

Local organisation Digital Health Devon are hosting a free event at Paignton Library for local residents to find out more about their community work and receive free advice on how to access healthcare online.
Digital Health Devon is a project run by local not-for-profit organisation Engaging Communities South West, which offers free guidance showing people how they can use the internet to access local health, social care and wellbeing resources such as online consultation services.
Their latest community project – jointly funded by Public Health Torbay and the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Ageing Well NHS framework – is working with local care homes to help reduce social isolation by providing them with free SMART technology and guidance on how residents can use them to keep in touch with loved ones.
On Saturday 29th October, from 10am – 2pm, Digital Health Devon is inviting friends and family of local care home residents to Paignton Library to learn more about how these devices work and view live link ups with care home residents.
They will be able to sample the video-calling devices used on the project and receive free advice and guidance on how they work. Digital Health Devon will also be showcasing how to access online NHS video consultation software and use the vast library of free learning modules available via their website – www.digitalhealthdevon.co.uk.
Members of the public are also welcome to attend the ‘Digital Day’, with other support available on the day via the Paignton Community Hub and the Torbay Digital Inclusion Network – a group of local organisations set up to help enable people to get online, stay online and improve online.
“We are very pleased to have already supplied over thirty local care homes with the equipment and know how to contact loved ones via digital means and we have received some great feedback that this is helping to improve the wellbeing of care home residents.” Said Digital Health Devon project lead Simon Culley, “The majority of us use technical devices as part of our daily lives, but there is a real need to ensure that they are being used to their potential to support provision of care and wellbeing outside of hospital. Hopefully by hosting this free event we can support local residents in Torbay to do just that.”
The free Digital Support Day is on Saturday 29th October 2022, 10am – 2pm at Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton, TQ4 5AG. For more information please email info@digitalhealthdevon.co.uk or call freephone 08000 520 029.